The fifteenth edition of International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2024) will take place on September 9-14, 2024 in Tbilisi, Georgia. It is part of the ITP conference series whose history goes back to 1988.

ITP 2024 will be organized as a hybrid event.

ITP welcomes submissions describing original research on all aspects of interactive theorem proving and its applications. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • formalizations of computational models
  • improvements in theorem prover technology
  • formalizations of mathematics
  • integration with automated provers and other symbolic tools
  • verification of security algorithms
  • industrial applications of interactive theorem provers
  • formal aspects of hardware and software
  • user interfaces for interactive theorem provers
  • use of theorem provers in education
  • concise and elegant worked examples of formalizations (proof pearls)


If you have any problems or questions, please contact us via e-mail at: itp2024tbilisi@gmail.com


The EuroProofNet Workshop 2024

The Isabelle Workshop 2024

The Coq Workshop 2024


Eighteenth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language

Important Dates
  • Abstract submission deadline: March 11, 2024 (AOE)

  • Paper submission deadline: March 18, 2024 (AOE)

  • Author notification: May 20, 2024

  • Camera-ready copy due: June 28, 2024

  • Early registration deadline: July 19, 2024

  • Conference: September 9-14, 2024

  • July 22, 2024 - Program schedule is now available!
  • May 22, 2024 - Registration is now open!
  • May 22, 2024 - List of accepted papers online
  • November 3, 2023 - Website online