Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua

Institute of Applied Mathematics

Volume 15, # 1-3, 2000

ISSN 1512-0066


of enlarged session of the I.vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics

This activity was suppurted by International School in Physics and Mathematics (ISPM) as 6-th Course: Modern Methods of Functional Analysis and it’s Applications

Coordinator of –ISPM - I.Tavkhelidze

Organaizing Commitee: D. Gordeziani (Chairman), N. Avazashvili (Secretary),

G. Jaiani, I. Tavkhelidze.


Chairmens of sections: Prof. T.Meunargia, Prof. T.Tadumadze & Prof. L.Gogoladze



Section #1

Program of the Section of Complex Analysis and its Applications

Gordadze E. On the boundary value problem of linear conjugation for radon lines and some measurable ciefficients

Janjgava R. Solution of the problem, for temperature stresses in plate, using I. Vekua method

Kapanadze G. Solving a problem of a bending of the plate with partly unknown boundary using complex analysis

Mosia M. The solution of some problems in the non-linear theory of plate by I. Vekua’s method

Narmania M. The solution some problems of bending of plates by I. Vekua’s theory

Papukashvili A. Unplane problems of theory of elasticity with cracks of slackened piecewice-homogeneous plane

Rokva J. Stress intensity factors in some problems of the 2-dimensional elasticity for angular domains

Section #2

Program of the Section of Ordinary Differential Equtions and Optimal Control Theory

Shulaia D. On a one special fredholms integral equation of the third kind

Abuladze T., Dochviri B. On the pricing of the American options

Alkhazishvili L. About local reprezentations of the variation of solutions for one class controled system with delays

Ashordia M. Criteria of correctness of linear boundary value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations

Avalishvili M., Kokilashvili L. On the existence of proper solutions of odd order nonlinear ordinary differential equations

Dochviri B., Shashashvili M. On the convergence of costs in the problem of optimal stopping in the scheme of kalman-bucy

Domshlak Y., Kvinikadze G., Stavroulakis I. Sturmian comparison method: the version for the first order neutral differential equations

Gelashvili K., Tadumadze T. The existence theorem for one class of multidimentional variationall problem

Gorgodze N., Tsereteli A. Local reprezentations for the variation of solutions of some class neutral differential equations

Kekelia N. On the stability of linear systems of generalized ordinary differential equations

Kharatishvili G. Dynamic control macroeconomical mathematical model of output the production based on the generalized principle of acceleration and optimal control problem

Koplatadze R., Partsvania N. Oscillatory properties of solutions of two- dimensional linear differential systems with deviated arguments

Tsintsadze Z. About one problem of synthesis of optimal control

Section #3

Program of the Section of Functional Amalysis, Theory of Functions and their Applications

Goginava U. On the embedding of classes H w and V[n (n)] in the class BV(P(n)­ ¥ )

Goginava U. On the uniform summability of multiple trigonometric Fourier series

Gogoladze L. On the maximal functions of several variables

Gogoladze L., Meskhia R. On the absolute convergence of Fourier trigonometric series

Kapanadze E. On a problem of the plate bending for a finite two connected domain with a partially unknown boundary

Karchava T. On the approximate properties of Fourier series

Khazhalia I. On the properties of some operators with respect to wavelet bases

Lepsveridze J., Mchedlishvili D. On the Growth order of integral means functions from LF (L)(Rn)

Toradze T. Superposition of functions and the series of Fourier coefficients

Tsagareishvili V. On the Fourier-Haar coefficients of continiuous functions